Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Unconscious Mother

Unconscious or subconscious? . . . or maybe it's just sleeping . . . Regardless, I'm a mother under all conditions.

Yesterday, I dropped my eldest at the airport for a flight to Europe where he and a friend will travel to several countries on their own with limited itinerary constraints and without any adult escorts.  [I know, I know, technically they're adults but that's not the point; they're still young and in their teens, even if only for a few more months.]   I did not park and escort him to the gate.  I didn't text him at the airport.  I asked only that he let us know when he's about to take off and when he lands.  And then I went about my life, attending to his brothers.

At 3:30 am I bolted awake in bed.  Unconsciously, subconsciously and half-asleep, I turned on the news and watched until after 4.  Still talking about Bin Laden.  Possible retaliations.  But, no plane disasters.  I breathed easy.  And turned on repeats of RHoNYC.  I then realized that my son's plane was scheduled to land at approximately 4 am our time.  The maternal alarm had gone off without a premeditated setting.