Thursday, March 3, 2011

Win, Winning, Winner

I'm not talking about Charlie Sheen, unlike everyone else.  In fact, we should all stop listening to him.  But that's for another post.  This is about my jury service.

I think I made money.  It lasted all of three hours (details to follow).  I spent precisely $3.50, not including gas and a cup of courthouse coffee.  I believe I will be paid $40.  The only downside is I didn't get to sit on a jury.  Details to follow . . .


  1. Not bad. Would love to hear your take on CS. I'm thinking of taking a stab at him myself.

  2. I guess I'm going to tackle him. A few people have requested it. I'll take the drug that is Charlie Sheen and you'll see real tiger blood in one speed . . . go. Did I skip any infamous quotes? Let me know.
